
27 Feb 2014

Olympics, bonobos and goodbyes

I shared the news with the other researchers about the Canadian women’s hockey team. They were wondering about the figure skating- apparently there’s a Korean vs Japanese rivalry in the women’s event.

I kept working with P Group this week, but am now switching to 2 days with Kame Kake, 2 days with P Group, 1 day off, repeat. The trackers have some funny rivalries going on, so I get to hear lots of gossip :P Both bonobo groups have been kind to me this week, not walking too far. I’m starting to realize just how much video I will have to code – but it’s a good “problem” to have. This week has been exciting for solicitation gestures. One of the females, Nao, is estrous and at maximum swelling, so the males are all following her. One sub-adult male does an interesting “come hither” – the normal way is to arch their back and present, but he also raises his right arm in what can only be described as a mixture between Elvis pointing and Aretha shaking her finger. But it seems to work for him!
Tomorrow Heunjin, Terada, and Yumoto are having a Fete – we’ll have a goat and a pig, and lots of kwanga and masanga, apparently music and dancing. I’m excited! But they leave on Friday, and I’ll miss them a lot.

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