
26 Jun 2013

Summer Update

Thanks to Lorna and Roger for inspiring me to expand this blog! I've added photos to almost every post now, so it's time for a little retrospective treasure hunt. Because I couldn't quite fit in all the photos that I wanted to, I just posted a "Photo Dump" full of miscellaneous primates (bonobo and human alike).

Since February, a lot has happened in my academic life.
- I narrated a short video for Lola ya Bonobo, a bonobo orphanage/sanctuary near Kinshasa
- I was accepted to start my PhD with Richard Byrne at the University of St Andrews
- A couple of papers are in submission (fingers crossed), so now on with proposal writing!
- Wrote a little piece for Campbell River's greatest zine R Life
- Last week, ran a bonobo day for my mum's grade 2/3 class. We talked about bonobos, looked at photographs, planned our field backpacks, played bonobo tag (a variation of branch-dragging behaviour), learned about food sharing, and made a display of the students' bonobo pastel drawings. On their break they climbed to the top of the playground and started shrieking like bonobos - would have made for a convincing recording of bonobo vocalizations!
- Had a really fun slideshow for Lorna, Roger, Chas and Cleo. Great questions, and great practice for presentations. Hope you all have fun in Zimbabwe!

At the end of July I'll be back in the UK and at St Andrews in September, so from now on, this blog can become a platform for little reviews on interesting articles that I read. There's this idea that maybe science should be better communicated in public, rather than leaving articles on dusty shelves in ivory towers, but that sounds a little progressive to me ;-)

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