
12 Oct 2012

Daily Life Wamba-Style

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Happy Thanksgiving! I hope your bellies are full of lots of tasty food. Embele went to the market yesterday and brought back a whole branch of bananas and a branch of plantains for the equivalent of about $2 each. He got a duck, a fish and a couple of chickens too. And kwanga - a type of dough that I actually prefer to rice. I quite enjoy the food here. 
Everything is cooked over a fire. Our water is boiled over the fire then poured into two large carafes to filter it. I've been trying to work out my water usage here and I think it amounts to under 10L a day- 5 for a shower, 2 to drink, 1-2 for cooking and dishes (maybe), 0.5 for washing hands and teeth. There is a young girl who washes our clothes in the river for us, so I don't know whether to count those litres. And the hole-in-the-ground toilet doesn't take any water!

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