
16 Sept 2012

Leaving Seewiesen

I've spent the last week at the Max Planck Institute receiving my instructions for the Congo. Paul taught me the methodology for how I'll be collecting data, showed me video footage examples of Bonobos, and handed over the equipment. I have a limit of 100kg for the bush-plane flight to the station - that includes my backpack of clothes and personal effects, a case full of camera and computer equipment, and my own body weight! Stopped just short of sawing my toothbrush in half, but I think I've got it down.

Yesterday I went into Munich with some of the grad students. We wandered around Mariensplatz, then went to the Englischer Garten. There's a river that goes under the road and has a standing wave, so there were surfers lines up along the banks taking turns. An unexpected surprise in the middle of the city! The rest of the afternoon was very Bavarian - listening to a brass band in the park, eating pretzel, and dodging Bayern Munchen fans decked out in jerseys and lederhosen.

I leave Seewiesen today to start making my way to Vienna, then Brussels, then Kinshasa. I'll try to send word when I touch down in the Heart of Darkness.

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